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(VIDEO) Nevjerovatan snimak čaplje na Miljacki: Za 10 minuta preko 30 riba je uhvatila

Facebook stranica Birds of Sarajevo već neko vrijeme prati sivu čaplju koja je sada već postala redovni stanovnik glavnog grada Sarajeva.

Posljednji snimak koji su objavili postao je viralan na društvenim mrežama. 

Na potezu od Skenderije do Vrbanja mosta, ova predivna ptica lovila je ribu. Kako su napisali administratori ove stranice, za 10-tak minuta ulovila je i pojela više od 30 riba.

Kako su napisali, iako malih riba, to je zaista veliki broj.

Pogledajte ovaj nevjerovatni snimak.

Don't stop me now

And here you go, Čapljix in action! No, not again as an exhibtionist, this was during the sunny days in Bentbaša, but this time on a new Miljacka-fishing expedition – but what a fishing expedition this was, he broke all his previous records! He started slowly, but then speeded up with his incredible hunting technique – in the second minute of this video you will actually see him catch 9 fish within 60 seconds… And these are just excerpts from longer sequences where I filmed him catching more than 30 fish in less than 10 minutes. Ok, these are mini-fish, so indeed you need a lot of them to fill your stomach, but still… At the same time, our Miljacka ducks do not stay inactive either and have their own interesting technique for hoovering the water for food. Ah, I just got a message from Čapljix’s manager – ok, he is training for the „Who-swallows-the-most-fish-in-the-shortest-time“- World Bird Championship next week in Duckburg – yes, he trains very hard, and he's one of the favourites, – yes, go for it Čapljix, get this trophy, anyway we are already giving you 100 points for efficiency, and 1000 points for entertainment!For those who are seeing Čapljix in action for the first time: This all takes place in the middle of the town, in the Miljacka between Skenderija and Vrbanja, as you will see in the zoomout at the end of the video. Živeo Capljix, ti si legenda!Ardea cinerea – Siva čaplja – Grey heron – Graureiher – Héron cendré , and in the role of best supporting actor: Anas platyrhynchos – Divlja patka – Mallard duck – Stockente – Canard colvert (Marijin Dvor, 14.10.2020)

Gepostet von Birds of Sarajevo am Freitag, 16. Oktober 2020

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